While our Kirkgate Art Hostel was open for business we had lots of lovely merchandise available (shameless plug for the very awesome Awesome Merchandise!). Guests and volunteers alike have since shared pics of our totes and t-shirts on their travels across the globe. Here’s a little selection. Enjoy!

Bea, Art Hostel Kirkgate

Our little totes all started out at our humble Kirkgate home.

Leo, Wapentake

Some stopped for a coffee or pint of dutch courage with our good ol’ friends at Wapentake, before setting off on their travels. Bottoms up!

Jess, Amsterdam

And then our little hostel totes and t-shirts were on their way around the world! First stop… the land of bicycles galore, endless canals and delicious stroopwafels. It’s Amsterdam, of course! Here’s our lovely duty supervisor, Jess, sporting her Art Hostel tote.

Lea and pigeons, Amsterdam

Our merchandise proved so popular with some of the locals that they just had to try and grab a tote for themselves! No pigeons or humans were harmed in the taking of this photograph!

Hannah, Berlin

No pigeons in sight in this shot taken in Germany. Time for a pint of bier with chums and a beautiful sunset.

Francesco, Florence

The European travels continued as Francesco had a photograph taken in his hostel t-shirt looking up at the beautiful Giotto’s bell tower in Florence, Italy. What a building! Our merch and its owners really know where to visit! All that sightseeing is hungry work, we hope they had time to try one of Italy’s famous pizzerias. Molto buono!

Hannah, Valencia

Next, a little hop over to Espana, and a wander through the rustic streets of Valencia,  Hannah sported her stylish Art Hostel tote.

Kate, Seville

Spain has an abundance of beautiful architecture, the Plaza de España in Seville proves it!

Relaxing tote, Alicante

…it wasn’t all sightseeing. Here’s a pic of our tote having some well earned sun, sea and sand in Alicante!

Jess, Majorca

Another destination, another beach, another chance to lay back on the sand and enjoy the sun. Grab the sun cream!

Ann Marie, Taj Mahal, India

Our merchandise was also spotted outside of Europe too! Whoop whoop Taj Mahal!

Marla, Jericoacoara, Brazil

This one’s a beauty!

How far have you travelled with your Art Hostel tote or t-shirt?

We want to know! Tell us below or send a photo of your tote on tour to arthostel@esamail.org.uk